Project Members


Organization Chart for FESS Project

Organization for FESS

FESS Project Sites

FESS Project Sites

Project Member List

FESS Project Leader - Promoting Research and Development

Yuko Kitagawa
Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University

●Member Introduction●

Keio University

“Evaluation of FESS”
Norihito Wada
Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine
●Member Introduction●

“R&D of haptic forceps”
Kouhei Ohnishi
Professor, Department of System Design Engineering
●Member Introduction●

◎Subcontract Institutions

“Development of Navigation System”
Shinichi Minohara
Head, Section of Medical Physics and Engineering, Knagawa Cancer Center
●Member Introduction●

“Providing the steady pressure automatically controlled endoscopy technology”
Kiyokazu Nakajima
Professor and Principal Investigator, Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics,Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
●Member Introduction●

“Supervising regulatory clearance plan/ organizing pre-clinical and clinical evaluation plan.”
Hiromu Kutsumi
Professor, Center for Clinical Research and Advanced Medicine Establishment, Shiga University of Medical Science
●Member Introduction●
Ryohei Sasaki
Professor, Division of Radiation Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University
●Member Introduction●

“Development of Navigation system”
Zaiosoft Inc.
●Corporate Website●

Kochi University

“Providing the core technology for the endoscope”
Takayuki Sato
Professor, Research and Education Faculty, Medical Sciences Cluster, Basic Medicine Unit
●Member Introduction●

KAWASAKI Heavy Industries, Ltd

“Development of robot-assisted flexible surgical system”

●Corporate Website●

◎Subcontract Institutions

“Development of robot-assisted flexible surgical system”
Medicaroid Corporation
●Corporate Website●

TOP Corporation

“Development of flexible platform”

●Corporate Website●

Panasonic Corporation Connected Solutions Company

“Development of flexible endoscopic system”
“Development of video image”

●Corporate Website●

Panasonic Semiconductor Solutions Co.,Ltd.

“Development of small-size sensing system”

●Corporate Website●